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The environment and climate working group aims to address environmental challenges, particularly those that exacerbate the climate crisis, through the lens of computational and economic lenses. We are a diverse group of researchers from a variety of academic disciplines and geographic locations.

Syllabus for Fall 2022 #

This semester we plan to emphasize applications of Algorithmic Game Theory, AI/ML, optimization, and remote sensing to the fields of environmental conservation and planning. This list of topics is intentionally broad, so we encourage members with even tangentially related interests to engage with the group. We seek to provide a platform for members to share their research and receive feedback from others, in addition to hosting a handful of outside speakers to present on relevant topics.

Previous Syllabus Example: Spring 2022 #

We plan to cover a wide breadth of topics, focusing on providing a platform for members to share their research and receive feedback from others.

  • Meeting 1: Achieving Net Zero (Topic Lead: Maria Lozano)

  • Meeting 2: Floods in Kaziranga National Park and Tiger Reserve (Topic Lead: Arsal Imtiaz)

  • Meeting 3: Towards climate informed decision-making (Topic Lead: Kevin Yarritu)

Selected Readings #

  • Schwartz, M.W., Cook, C.N., Pressey, R.L., Pullin, A.S., Runge, M.C., Salafsky, N., Sutherland, W.J. and Williamson, M.A. (2018), “Decision Support Frameworks and Tools for Conservation.” CONSERVATION LETTERS, 11: e12385.

  • Schuster R, Hanson JO, Strimas-Mackey M, Bennett JR. 2020. “Exact integer linear programming solvers outperform simulated annealing for solving conservation planning problems.” PeerJ 8:e9258.

  • Zohreh S. Gatmiry, Ashkan Hafezalkotob, Morteza Khakzar bafruei, Roya Soltani. “A security game approach for strategic conservation against poaching considering food web complexities.” Ecological Complexity, Volume 48, 2021, 100970, ISSN 1476-945X.

  • Yang Yu et al 2021. “Multi-objective game theory optimization for balancing economic, social and ecological benefits in the Three Gorges Reservoir operation.” Environ. Res. Lett. 16 085007.

  • Teytelboym, Alexander. “Natural capital market design.” Oxford Review of Economic Policy 35.1 (2019).

  • Brasil Louro da Silveira, Camila & Marcelo, Gil & Maida, Mauro & Gaspar, Ana & Ferreira, Beatrice. (2021). “Coral Reef Mapping with Remote Sensing and Machine Learning: A Nurture and Nature Analysis in Marine Protected Areas. Remote Sensing.” 13. 2907.

  • Murali, Karthik, Michael K. Lim, Nicholas C. Petruzzi. “The Effects of Ecolabels and Environmental Regulation on Green Product Development.” Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (2019).

  • Auriol, Emmanuelle, and Steven GM Schilizzi. “Quality signaling through certification in developing countries.” Journal of Development Economics 116 (2015).

  • Kalonga, S.K., Midtgaard F. and Klanderud K. Forest certification as a policy option in conserving biodiversity: an empirical study of forest management in Tanzania, Forest Ecol. and Manag. (2015).

Selected past output from the group: #

  • Presentations on: natural capital market design, food security and soil, Project Drawdown solutions (Spring 2020)

  • A Medium post about Jim Leape’s talk (Spring 2020)

  • A Medium post about Anthony Lee Zhang’s talk on Depreciating Licenses (Spring 2021)

Working Group Organizers #

Matthew vonAllmenPh.D. student in Computer ScienceNorthwestern University
Andrew RobertsPh.D. student in Computing and Data SciencesBoston University

Working Group Members #

Charles CuiPh.D. Student in Computer ScienceNorthwestern University
Daniel Firebanks-QuevedoSoftware EngineerIBM Research
Sanchias DasPh.D. Student in Operations ManagementUniversity of Washington
Manuela Vanegas FerroPh.D. Student in Biological DesignArizona State University
John FoppertVisiting Professor of ForestryPaul Smith’s College
Arnav GautamPh.D. Student in Engineering and Public PolicyCarnegie Mellon University
Lauren GillespiePh.D. Student in Biology and Computer ScienceStanford University
Paul GölzPh.D. Student in Computer ScienceCarnegie Mellon University
Firehiwot GuraraPh.D. Student in Electrical and Computer EngineeringCornell University
Nicole ImmorlicaSenior Principal ResearchMicrosoft Research
Rosie LiPh.D. Student in Public PolicyYale University
Wanyi LiPh.D. Student in Operations ManagementStanford University
Irene LoAssistant Professor in Management Science & EngineeringStanford University
Yuki MiuraPh.D. StudentColumbia University
Joan NkirikiPh.D. Student in Engineering and Public PolicyCarnegie Mellon University
Andrew RobertsPh.D. Student in Computing and Data SciencesBoston University
Dheeraj SatyavoluMS Student in Operations ResearchUT Austin
Yuan ShiPh.D. Student in Operations ResearchMIT
Bhushan SuwalResearcherTufts University
Charles Van-Hein SackeyPh.D. Student in Engineering and Public PolicyCarnegie Mellon University
Matthew vonAllmanPh.D. StudentNorthwestern University
Judy XiePh.D. Student in Environmental Policy and Process Systems EngineeringImperial College London
Lily XuPh.D. Student in Computer ScienceHarvard University