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Working Groups

EAAMO-Bridges working groups bring together academic researchers from various disciplines to tackle problems in real-world application domains through online working groups. These groups work towards research, implementation, and advocacy projects throughout the year. Notes from the original reading group can be found here.

If you are interested in being involved or pitching problems to these working groups in any of the domains below, please contact the Working Group Organizers at

If you want to check our previous working groups, please check out this page.


We study how tools from algorithmic decision, machine learning, and causal inference can help us measure and identify the effects of environmental degradation and propose new pathways to more sustainable societal development. We will discuss how market design can be helpful when thinking about carbon bonds or biodiversity conservation, as well as how we can use a combination of ML and causal inference to identify adaptation policies to a changing environment.

Decolonization of STEM Curriculum

We seek to develop a set of curricula for undergraduate students in courses around Algorithms, Mechanisms, and Optimization that intersect various fields (i.e., healthcare, art, and law) with an idea to uplift and acknowledge the efforts of marginalized folks in these spaces while empowering students to engage with these fields in a way that deconstructs and resists colonial structures and ideologies.

Urban Data Science & Equitable Cities

We focus on the computational analysis of urban data to explore and address inequities in urban life, hosting speakers, studying papers, and workshopping late-stage research.

Conversations with Practitioners

We aim to bridge research and practice by hosting informal interviews with practitioners who work with disadvantaged and underserved communities.


We study how computational methods can either address or exacerbate inequality, both globally and for vulnerable populations in the United States.

Equity and Justice for Indigenous Communities in the Americas

We bring together researchers, members of indigenous communities, activists, and community leaders to formulate policies, strategies, and programs that promote fairness, access to resources, and the protection of rights for Indigenous communities amongst other topics.