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Urban Data Science & Equitable Cities

By 2050, the UN projects that 68% of the population will live in a city. Cities are an increasingly important aspect of daily life, affecting long-term health and access to job opportunities. The use of data to guide decision-making, improve the responsiveness of local government, and reduce inequality has become critical. With the advent of the open data movement for cities, the volume of urban data has exploded. In addition to officially-published open datasets, unique sources of unstructured data, including text and images, are becoming more abundant, providing new opportunities for analyzing urban environments and their occupants. In this EAAMO Bridges working group on urban data science & equity, we host speakers, study papers, and workshop late-stage work relating to the sophisticated computational analysis of urban data, emphasizing topics that both explore and address inequities in urban life. This group began meeting in Summer 2024 as a Cornell reading group on urban data science, incorporating members from information science, computer science, urban planning, sociology, and public policy.

We meet every other week for a presentation from an invited speaker or group member, followed by sustained discussion.

Working Group Organizers #

We welcome involvement in this working group! If you’re interested in joining, please reach out to one of the organizers:

Jennah GosciakPhD StudentCornell University
Matt FranchiPhD StudentCornell University
Gabriel AgostiniPhD StudentCornell University